DreamHack Winter 2011, Jönköping, Sweden
Photographs from my meal in Sweden , Jönköping at DreamHack Winter 2011 on November 24, 2011.

My setup at DreamHack Winter 2011

Row 2, Hall D

View from Row 4, Hall D

Row 5, Hall D

Heading out to the car


Monitors, and more monitors

Tom and Emil

Car simulator

3 years of DreamHack

Inflatable friend


DreamHack 2011, LAN is the shit

Dual GeForce GTX 590s

View from above, Hall D, 5 minutes before lights out

View from above, Hall D, lights still on

The press booth, DreamHack Winter 2011

Activity in the allys

Inflatable skull

Lights out at DreamHack Winter 2011

Welcome introduction to DreamHack Winter 2011

Intel demonstration booth

Computers piped with red lighting

Orange glow

Open Corsair case

Bundle of wires and lights

As the tiredness sets in, the Coca Cola stacks up

Double face

Playing Battlefield 3

The monster

Custom shelving

Under the shelf

Liquid nitrogen frozen ice cream

Tom in Hall B

X-Box gaming in jump suits

DJ Vizay takes the stage

DJ Vizay dubstep set

DJ Vizay dubstep set

Laser show

Cisco CRS-3 providing 120gbps

Gaming and dancing

Our setup, DreamHack 2011

Nap time

Yogurt and cables

Monitors and games asleep

Coca Cola

Vintage monitor with a higher refresh rate for Counter Strike

The second night is getting started

Hall D on the second night, 12,280 computers

Laser show in Hall D

View from the back of Hall D

Rocking out to DJ Hance

View from the crowd

When in Rome, do as the Romans do: our final setup.

Asleep at the wheel

Temporary home for 4 days

Gaming until the early morning

Late night, early morning


Stacked machines


Crashed II

Crashed III

Crashed IV

Crashed V

Gaming on dual 40" TVs

Crashed VI

Karl "Ice" Andersson, Lead Network Engineer